18.785: Analytic Number Theory
Fall 2008

TR 1:00-2:30pm in 8-205

News and Announcements

10/30/2008   HW#7 has been posted. Click on the link at the top of the page to find it!

10/30/2008   Reading assignment:
    chapter II, section 1 from Serre's book
    chapter I from Koblitz's book "p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis and Zeta Functions" (on reserve in Hayden)

10/21/2008   HW#6 has been posted. Click on the link at the top of the page to find it!

10/09/2008   HW#5 has been posted. Click on the link at the top of the page to find it!

10/07/2008   The next hw will be posted later this week and due 10/21.

10/03/2008   No office hours today.

09/23/2008   The fourth homework has been posted. Click on the link at the top of the page to find it!

09/23/2008   The third homework has been posted.

09/12/2008   HW#2 is now due on Tuesday 9/23/2008.

09/12/2008   Some problems in the second homework refer to a primitive character modulo N. I haven't defined the notion in class, for which I apologize. Here is the definition. If M is a divisor of N, then every character mod M induces a character mod N. All characters induced this way are called imprimitive. The characters mod N that cannot be induced from a character modulo a divisor of N are called primitive.
Also, in the same problem set, the twisted Poisson summation formula has an extra $\chi(-1)$ factor. Please make the change accordingly.

09/09/2008   The second homework has been posted. And HW#1 is now due on Tuesday 9/16/2008.

09/04/2008   The first homework has been posted.

08/31/2008   The textbooks are on reserve in Hayden.

08/30/2008   Syllabus (pdf).

Instructor: Alina Bucur
email: alina@math.mit.edu
Office: 2-167
Phone: x3 4397
Office Hours: M 3-4pm, F 1-2:30pm
                         and by appointment

Course Syllabus (in pdf format)