Home 120A Hmwork Announcements


Math 120A  (Fall 2003) Course Announcements



TEST #2: Monday November 10 at 9:00 AM in class.
This test covers the material from Homeworks 4 - 6.

Please bring a
blue book to the test.
You will be allowed a 3x5 index card of notes, both front and back may be used.


There have been changes to the homework assignments due to class cancellations.
Please see the Homework page.


My lecture notes for the first 15 lectures may be retrieved here: First 15 Lectures.
Warning: They do not always follow what was done in class and contain fewer pictures than were presented in class.


The first section meeting  will be held on Friday September 26!


Test #1 is Friday October 17,  at 9:00 AM in class. Please bring a blue book to class.


I will be leaving town right after Wednesday's class on October 15. So Monday will be the last of my office hours before the exam.


Here is a study guide for the first midterm:  Study_Guide_MidTerm1.