8. Numerical ODE
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[Objectives | Exercises | Example 1 | Example 2 ]

To become familiar with ode45, one of MATLAB's ODE solvers. 

Typing help ode45 gives the following information:

ODE45 Solve non-stiff differential equations, medium order method.
[T,Y] = ODE45('F',TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T0 TFINAL] integrates the
system of differential equations y' = F(t,y) from time T0 to TFINAL with
initial conditions Y0. 'F' is a string containing the name of an ODE
file. Function F(T,Y) must return a column vector. Each row in
solution array Y corresponds to a time returned in column vector T. To
obtain solutions at specific times T0, T1, ..., TFINAL (all increasing
or all decreasing), use TSPAN = [T0 T1 ... TFINAL].
etc. etc.

See Chapter 7. of Polking and Arnold to learn about MATLAB's ODE solvers and in particular ode45. 

1) Using Example 1 below as a model, solve the following ODE:

x'(t)=x(t)cos(x(t)+t) with x(0)=1.

Paste a copy of the M.file that you used along with your graph of the solution into your homework document.

2) Using Example 2 below as a model, solve Bessel's equation of order 1:

t^2*y''(t)+t*y'(t)+(t^2-1)*y(t)=0 with y(0.1)=3 and y'(0.1)=2. (*)

(Note that we can not take t=0 as our initial time with this singular equation.)

Instructions:  Modify secondode.m (from Example 2 below) appropriately and paste it into your homework document. Use the command:

EDU» [t,x]=ode45('secondode',[0.1,200],[3,2]);

to construct the numerical solution to Eq. (*). Now make a plot of y and y' as well as a phase space plot for Eq. (*). Put the results into your homework document. 

3) Plot y(t) and y'(t) against t for the forced Bessel equation with

 t^2*y''(t)+t*y'(t)+(t^2-1)*y(t)=t^2*sin(wt) with y(0.1)=3 and y'(0.1)=2. (**) 

Do this twice, once with w=.9 and the other time with w=1.

4) Try to give an explanation why the solutions in problem 3) are becoming large in the case w=1. 

Hint:  Dividing equation (**) by t^2 gives:

 y''(t) + y'(t)/t + (1-1/t^2)*y(t) = sin(wt).

which we should formally expect to behave similarly to

y''(t) +  y(t) = sin(wt)

when t is large. So to answer 4), think about how solutions to this equation behave for w=.9 and w=1.


Consider the problem of solving the first order ordinary differential equation:

     x'(t)=sin(tx(t)) with x(0)=1 for 0 < t < 20.

Solution:  Create (click here to learn how) the following M.file called firstode.m:

    function xpr=firstode(t,x);
    %This M-file is used with ode45 to solve the differential equation
    % x'(t)=sin(tx(t))

Save the result in the workspace. At the command line type:

EDU» [t,x]=ode45('firstode',[0,20],1);
EDU» plot(t,x)
EDU» grid on
EDU» title('Solution to x''=sin(tx), x(0)=1')

This will produce the following plot:



Example 2

Consider solving the second order ODE:

y''+y'+y=asin(t) with y(0)=3 and y'(0)=2        (#)

Solution:  First write the equation as a system of first order equations as in the last assignment (7. ODE Systems.)

To do this, let x(1)=y and x(2)=y' so that

x(1)'  =  x(2)     and
x(2)'  = y'' = -y'-y+sin(t)
     = -x(2)-x(1)+sin(t)                            (##)

In the M-file below, xpr will denote the column vector  


We now encode the information about Equation (#) as represented in  Equation (##) in the following M-file (click here to learn how to make M-files) called secondode.m:


function xpr=secondode(t,x);
%  Some comments which you do not need to copy into your M-file.
%  a = the Amplitude of the forcing term which is taken to be zero.
% The third line defines the function. The output is a column vector.
%  [a;b] is one of MATLAB's way of writing the column vector
%  |a|
%  |b|.

After saving  secondode.m in the work space we may type, at the command prompt, the following lines:

EDU» [t,x]=ode45('secondode',[0,20],[3,2]);
EDU» plot(t,x)
EDU» grid on
EDU» title('Damped Harmonic oscillator, No forcing.')

This will produce the following plot:

The blue line represents y(t) and green line represents y'(t).


EDU» plot(x(:,1),x(:,2));
EDU» title('Phase plot of damped Harmonic oscillator, No forcing.')
EDU» grid on

produces the "phase space" plot of the solution:

[Objectives | Exercises | Example 1 | Example 2 ]


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Last modified on November 23, 1999 at 03:26 PM.