Math 240 Home Page (Driver, 03-04)


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Math 240C -- Real Analysis (Spring 2004) Course Information



New Announcements

bulletFinal exam results and solutions for Winter 04 can be had by clicking on the following link: Test Data.

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Instructor:         Bruce Driver, APM 7414, 534-2648.

TA:                     Matt Cecil  ( Office: APM 6402A.

Meeting times: MWF 12:00 -- 12:50 PM in  APM 7421.

Textbook:         I will mainly follow the lecture notes which will be available from this web-site.  We will also use Gerald B. Folland, "Real Analysis, "Modern Techniques and Their Applications," 2nd edition.

Prerequisites: Students are assumed to have taken at the very least a two-quarter sequence in undergraduate real analysis covering in a rigorous manner the theory of limits, continuity and the like in Euclidean spaces and general metric spaces. The theorems of Heine-Borel (compactness in Euclidean spaces), Bolzano-Weierstrass (existence of convergent subsequences), the theory of uniform convergence, Riemann integration theory should have been covered. One quarter of undergraduate complex analysis is also recommended.

Homework:    There will be weekly Homework assignments.

Test times:     There will be one midterm a little before the qualifying exam for the course. This will also serve as another practice session for the qualifying exam.

Office Hours:  To be determined. (Feel free to stop in whenever you can find me.)

Grading:         The course grade will be computed using the following formula:

Grade=.3(Home Work)+.3(Midterm)+.4(Final).

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Tentative Course Outline

Math 240A


Review of limit operations including sums on arbitrary sets


Basics of Metric spaces, Normed spaces (including dual spaces), Topological spaces


Riemann Integral on Banach Spaces, Linear ODE, Classical Weierstrass approximation  theorem


Introduction to sigma - algebras, measurable functions, and measures


The structure of measurable sets and functions, e.g. Dynkin's Multiplicative System Theorem


Construction of the integral from a measure


General properties of the integral (Fatou's lemma, monotone convergence, Lebesgue dominated convergence, Tchebychev inequality, Jensen's inequality)

Math 240B


Product measures and the Fubini-Tonelli theorems


Lebesgue Measure on Rd  and the change of variables theorem


Lp spaces, Holder inequality, the dual of dual of Lp spaces.


Topology: connectedness, compactness, and countability axioms


More Topology: Locally compact Hausdorff spaces, Uryshon's Lemma, Tietze Extension Theorem, Partitions of Unity, Alexandrov's compactification, Uryshon's metrization theorem.


Density and approximation theorems including the use of convolution and the Stone Weierstrass theorem.


Hilbert space theory including projection theorems and orthonormal bases.


Fourier series and integrals, Plancherel theorem.

Math 240C


Existence of Lebesgue measure and other measures via the Riesz-Markov theorem


Radon-Nikodym Theorem for Positive measures.


Signed and complex measures, Hahn decomposition, Jordan decomposition and the Radon - Nikodym theorem


Differentiation of measures on R^n and the fundamental theorem of calculus.


More Banach space results: Banach Steinhaus Theorem, Hahn Banach Theorem, Open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem


Riesz Representation theorem for measures.


Fourier Transform and its properties with basic applications to PDE and Sobolev spaces.


The Spectral Theorem for bounded self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space


A little distribution theory and elliptic regularity


Possible further topics


A little complex analysis


Distribution theory and elliptic regularity


Sobolev spaces


Unbounded operators and the Spectral Theorem for self-adjoint operators


Some calculus on Banach spaces and the Inverse and implicit function theorems


Properties of ordinary differential equations


Differentiable manifolds


Math 240B -- Real Analysis (Winter 2004) Course Information



New Announcements

bulletFinal exam results and solutions for Winter 04 can be had by clicking on the following link: Test Data.

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Instructor:         Bruce Driver, APM 7414, 534-2648.

TA:                     Matt Cecil  ( Office: APM 6402A.

Meeting times: MWF 12:00 -- 12:50 PM in  APM 7421.

Textbook:         I will mainly follow the lecture notes which will be available from this web-site.  We will also use Gerald B. Folland, "Real Analysis, "Modern Techniques and Their Applications," 2nd edition.

Prerequisites: Students are assumed to have taken at the very least a two-quarter sequence in undergraduate real analysis covering in a rigorous manner the theory of limits, continuity and the like in Euclidean spaces and general metric spaces. The theorems of Heine-Borel (compactness in Euclidean spaces), Bolzano-Weierstrass (existence of convergent subsequences), the theory of uniform convergence, Riemann integration theory should have been covered. One quarter of undergraduate complex analysis is also recommended.

Homework:    There will be weekly Homework assignments.

Test times:     There will be one midterm given sometime during the week 5 or 6 of the quarter.
                           The final is scheduled for Monday, December 8 from 11:30 - 2:30 PM.

Office Hours:  W. & F. at 1:30 - 2:30 PM in my office, and Mondays 5:30- 6:30 PM in APM 7421.

Grading:         The course grade will be computed using the following formula:

Grade=.3(Home Work)+.3(Midterm)+.4(Final).


bulletFor a list qual-examp topics go to Math 240 Topics.


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Last modified on Monday, 10 November 2003 05:36 PM.