Math 299 - Adic and Perfectoid Spaces

Course description: The goal of the seminar is to acquire enough background in adic spaces to begin a serious study of Peter Scholze's paper Perfectoid spaces, Publ. math. de l'IHES 116 (2012), no. 1, 245--313, which can be found here.

Contact: Claus Sorensen, csorensen [at] ucsd [etcetera].

Meetings: Mon and Wed, 2:30-3:30 PM, in APM 5218. (First meeting Wed Sep 28th.)

Notes: Primarily the notes from the Stanford number theory learning seminar on Perfectoid Spaces, available here.

Prerequisites: Basic scheme theory is required, and familiarity with rigid analytic geometry is helpful but strictly speaking not necessary. You may want to glance through Non-Archimedean Analysis, A Systematic Approach to Rigid Analytic Geometry, by Bosch, Guntzer, and Remmert. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 1984. Click here. As a minimum, familiarize yourself with the survey paper:

  • Basic notions of rigid analytic geometry, by Peter Schneider.