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Math 31BH Honors multivariable calculus
Winter 2017 Course Syllabus

Updated 01/04/17

Course:  31BH

Title:  Honors multivariable calculus

Credit Hours:  4   (Credit not offered for both Math 31BH and 20C.)

Prerequisite:  Math 31AH with a grade of B- or better, or consent of instructor.

Catalog Description:   Second quarter of three-quarter honors integrated linear algebra/multivariable calculus sequence for well-prepared students. Topics include: derivative in several variables, Jacobian matrices, extrema and constrained extrema, integration in several variables.

Textbook: Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms, A Unified Approach, by John H. Hubbard and Barbara Burke Hubbard; 5th Ed., Matrix Editions.

Subject Material:   Lectures will be based on material from Chapters 1.5-1.9, 2.10, and 3.0-4.10, but may well vary from the book.

Homework:  Homework will be assigned on the course homework page and will be collected during lecture on the indicated due date. If you cannot make it to the lecture, drop it off in your TA's designated box in the APM basement. Make sure you use the correct box. Misplaced homework may not be considered. The deadline is Mondays at 2:15 PM, occasionally Wednesdays at 2:15 PM -- see the calendar. Late homework will not be accepted.

Lecture:  Attending the lecture is a fundamental part of the course; you are responsible for material presented in the lecture whether or not it is discussed in the textbook.  You should expect questions on the exams that will test your understanding of concepts discussed in the lecture.

Reading:  Reading the sections of the textbook corresponding to the assigned homework exercises is considered part of the homework assignment; you are responsible for material in the assigned reading whether or not it is discussed in the lecture.

Midterm Exam:  There will be two midterm exams during the quarter, in-class Wednesday Feb 1st and Mar 1st.  You may bring one 8.5 by 11 inch handwritten sheet of notes with you to the midterm exam, but no books or calculators will be allowed during the exams.  Please make sure your cell phone is turned off and put away during exams.   There will be no makeup exams.

Final Exam:  The final examination will be held at the following date and time.

Note: You may bring one 8.5 by 11 inch handwritten sheet of notes with you to the final examination, but no books or calculators will be allowed during the final examination.

Regrades:  Homework and midterm exams will be returned in the discussion sections.  If you notice an error in the way your homework or exam was graded, you must return it immediately to your TA.  Regrade requests will not be considered once the homework or exam leaves the room.   If you do not retrieve your homework or exam during discussion section, you must arrange to pick it up from your TA within one week after it was returned in order for any regrade request to be considered.

Grading: Your course grade will be determined by your cumulative average at the end of the term and will be based on the following scale:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C-
97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70

We may adjust the scale to be more lenient, but we guarantee that the grade corresponding to a given percentage will not be lower than specified by the above scale. Your cumulative average will be: In addition,  you must pass the final examination in order to pass the course. If your accumulated score is right between two grades your performance in class will be taken into account.

Academic Dishonesty:  Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense at UCSD. Students caught cheating will face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university.

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