MATH 3C Syllabus
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Math 3C

Summer Session II 2017

Course Syllabus

Professor: David Rideout
Teaching Assistant: Jasper Bird
Supplemental Instruction Leaders: Madeline Chang & Kalen Cantrell

Class Times:  Lecture: MTuWF 9 - 10:50 am  HSS 1128A
Discussion: Th 9 - 10:50 am  HSS 1128A

Course Description: This course provides an overview and review of a variety of topics in mathematics, including functions, trigonometry, and exponents and logarithms, to provide a solid foundation from which to approach more advanced courses in Calculus and beyond. By the end of the course students will be well versed in understanding and manipulating mathematical expressions and graphs of functions.

Catalog Description: Functions and their graphs. Linear and polynomial functions, zeroes, inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic, trigonometric functions and their inverses. Emphasis on understanding algebraic, numerical and graphical approaches making use of graphing calculators. (No credit given if taken after Math 4C, 1A/10A, or 2A/20A.) Three or more years of high school mathematics or equivalent recommended.

Prerequisite: Math Placement Exam qualifying score

Textbook: Algebra & Trigonometry, by Sheldon Axler, Wiley (2012)

Lecture: Attending the lecture is a fundamental part of the course. You are responsible for material presented in the lecture, whether or not it is discussed in the textbook. You should expect questions on the exams that will test your understanding of concepts discussed in the lecture.

Reading: Reading the sections of the textbook corresponding to the assigned homework exercises is considered part of the homework assignment; you are responsible for material in the assigned reading whether or not it is discussed in the lecture. It will be expected that you read the assigned material in advance of each lecture.

Homework: Homework assignments will be posted here on the homework page, and will be due Tuesdays at 9 pm and Thursdays at 3 pm, as posted in the course calendar. They are to be placed into the homework dropbox in the basement of AP&M. No late homework will be accepted, however your lowest homework grade will be dropped. The quizzes and exams will be similar in nature to the assigned homework, so understanding how to solve the homework problems will be essential to doing well in the course.

Quizzes: There will be a 25 minute quiz on the first day of the last four weeks of the term. The lecture will stop around 10:20 am, and you will have the remaining time to complete the quiz, which must be turned in by the end of the class period at 10:50 am. No books nor electronic devices will be permitted during the quizzes. There will be no make-up quizzes, however your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Final Exam: The final exam will be held during the afternoon of the last day of class. No books nor electronic devices will be permitted during the exam.

Grading: Your grade for the course will be based on your cumulative average at the end of the term, based on the weighting scale:

Participation Homework Quizzes Final Exam
5% 18% 40% 37%

The letter grade corresponding to your numerical average will be at least as good as indicated in the following table:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F
97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 60 < 60

Participation: You will learn most from this course if you are actively engaged in classroom discussions, interact with the SI leaders, tutors, and instructors during office hours, and seek help from each other both during and outside of class. This can include asking for clarification when something is unclear, pointing out errors when you notice them, and also speaking up if you cannot hear or see the blackboard.

Expectations: In order to maintain a fruitful learning environment, we must establish some basic expectations. Please come to class, on time, every day, and remain awake and engaged for the whole class period each day. You are not permitted to use mobile phones during class.

Piazza: To facilitate discussion and collaboration outside of class, we will be using Piazza as a discussion forum. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, the TA, the SI leaders, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. You can sign up here.

Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense at UCSD. Students caught cheating can face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university. It is in your best interest to maintain your academic integrity. All work submitted for this course must be your own. (You are encouraged to work together on homework, but must write up your own solutions to the problems.)

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