Two ways to define relations between properties of graphs
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We consider a graph property which contains occurrences of the notation "little oh" \( o(.).\) For example, we define the following property for a graph \(G\) on \(n\) vertices:

Property \(A\) : \(G\) has \( (1/4 +o(1)) n^2 \) edges.

Suppose we have two properties \(P \) and \(P'\), each with occurances \(o(.).\)

\( P \rightarrow P' \) means: Example
We consider the following property for a graph \(G\) :

Property \(B\) : All but \(o(n)\) vertices have degree \((1/2+o(1))n.\)

Property \(P(s)\) : Every graph on \(s\) vertices occurs in \(G\) the expected number \( (2^{\binom n 2} \times n^s) \) of times as a random graph (with edge density \(1/2 \) ).

Clearly \(B \rightarrow A\), but the reverse directions is not true. Also, \(P(s+1) \rightarrow P(s)\).

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