The Summer Reading Seminar on Combinatorics 2007

The plan is to go over some STOC papers that contain interesting new combinatorial methods.
Date SpeakerPaper
6/26/07 Organizational Meeting
7/3/07 Paul Horn Mossel and Roch, On the submodularity of influence in social networks.
7/10/07 Ross Richardson Vu and Tao, The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix
7/17/07 Minming Li Bhalgat, Hariharan, Panigrahi and Telikepalli, An O(mn) Gomory-Hu tree construction algorithm for unweighted graphs
7/24/07 No Speaker
7/31/07 Steve Butler Fox and Sudakov, Induced Ramsey-type theorems
8/7/07 Sebi Cioaba Krivelevich and Sudakov, Minors in expanding graphs
8/14/07 Jacques Verstraete Product Representations of Polynomials, Abstract
8/21/07 Shoaib Jamall Bayati, Gamarnik, Katz, Nair and Tetali, Simple deterministic approximation algorithms for counting matchings.
8/28/07 Eve Lipton Goldberg and Jerrum, Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial.

Here is a suggested reading list. If you are interested in presenting one of these papers, please let me (Paul) know. It is also encourged to form a group of two to prepare for presenting a paper. Fan or I will also be happy to discuss with you about the key parts of the papers.

These papers are at the front line of research and, of course, some are not so easy to read. Mainly, the goal is to dig out the good mathematics and not to be scared of the definitions etc., since you can get help from others. These papers are heavily motivated and therefore are good for guiding the research directions and looking out for new problems. The entirety of the STOC proceedings are available online here. If there are other papers (in or outside of STOC) which you think will be good for learning new combinatorics, further suggestions are welcome. Additionally there are new papers, one by Jacob Fox and Benny Sudakov and another by Gowers, that may be of potential interest to present; if you are interested in these contact Fan for more information.

Harmonic Analysis seminar website - Contains links with some potentially useful background to some papers.
Regularity Lemma notes - From Fall 2004 262 class; potentially useful reference for some papers.