Combinatorial Aspects
of the
Lascoux-Schützenberger Tree

The Applet

Click on the buttons immediately below to launch the Line Diagram Applet and/or Circle Diagram. If the buttons did not appear, then make sure your web browser is Java 1.1 compatible.

The below picture gives a view of what is displayed by the Applet. We notice there the ``line diagram'' which corresponds to a reduced word. This diagram gives the trajectories of the letters tex2html_wrap_inline344 as they are rearranged by the successive simple transpositions, starting from the identity and ending with the target permutation.

Regional Descriptions
A: This region displays the Line Diagram corresponding to the current reduced word shown in E. Double click on a red cross to bump it up or back down.
B: Select a value of n. When value of n is changed, the Applet will automatically select a new permutation and reduced word.
C: Select a particular type of permutation: Any (except identity), 321-avoiding, Alternating, Dominant, Grassmanian, Reverse, or Vexillary.
D: This region displays the current permutation. You may type in your own permutation of any size in this region.
E: This region displays the current reduced word. You may type in your own reduced word in this region.
F: This region lists the permutations in the L-S Tree
G: This region lists the corresponding reduced words in the L-S Tree
Button Descriptions
Click this button to select a random permutation of the given type and a word corresponding to this permutation.
Reduced Word:
Click this button to select a random reduced word corresponding to the current permutation.
Update: This button updates the permutation and reduced word so that they agree with the current line diagram. Also adds them to the appropriate lists in regions F and G.
Reset: This button resets the Line Diagram to correspond to the current reduced word and ensures that the current permutation also corresponds to the current word.
Clear: This button clears regions F and G and initializes them to be the current permutation and reduced word, respectively.
(resp. <-):
This button applies the bijection in the forward (resp. reverse) direction.

Below, we see there the corresponding ``circle diagram''. The rows of this diagram are labelled tex2html_wrap_inline344. If the target permutation is tex2html_wrap_inline202 the columns are labelled tex2html_wrap_inline204. We place a `` tex2html_wrap_inline352 '' in column tex2html_wrap_inline208 and row tex2html_wrap_inline208 for each tex2html_wrap_inline358. We place dots south and east of every `` tex2html_wrap_inline352 '', and circles in the remaining locations. If at time k the line diagram interchanges r and s with r<s then k is placed in the circle at the intersection of the row labelled r with the column labelled s. The user will note that for any 321-avoiding permutation the labels of the circles constitute a standard tableau of french skew shape.

Double clicking on a "red" circle has the same effect as double clicking on the corresponding cross in the line diagram.

For a demonstration of the bijection, click here.