Department of Mathematics, University of California - San Diego - Helmut Röhrl

Publications by Helmut Röhrl


  1. Über Differentialsysteme, welche aus multiplikativen Klassen mit exponentiellen Singularitäten entspringen, I. Math.Ann.123 (1951), 53 - 75.
  2. Über Differentialsysteme, welche aus multiplikativen Klassen mit exponentiellen Singularitäten entspringen, II. Math.Ann.124 (1952), 187 - 218.
  3. Über Differentialsysteme, welche aus multiplikativen Klassen mit exponentiellen Singularitäten entspringen, III. Math.Ann.125 (1953), 448 - 466.
  4. Funktionenklassen auf geschlossenen Riemannschen Flächen. Math.Nachr.6 (1953), 355 - 384.
  5. Die Elementartheoreme der Funktionenklassen auf geschlossenen Riemannschen Flächen. Math.Nachr.7 (1953), 65 - 84.
  6. Über gewisse Verallgemeinerungen abelscher Integrale. Math.Nachr.9 (1953), 23 -44.
  7. Zur Theorie der Faber’schen Entwicklungen auf geschlossenen Riemannschen Flächen. Arch.Math.3 (1952), 93 - 102.
  8. Faber’sche Entwicklungen und die Sätze von Weierstraß und Mittag-Leffler auf geschlossenen Riemannschen Flächen. Arch.Math.4 (1953), 298 - 307.
  9. Abelsche Integrale auf Riemannschen Flächen endlichen Geschlechts. Habilitationsschrift (1954), 1 - 55.
  10. Lassen sich mathematische Theorien durch Maschinen entscheiden?. Pyramide, (1954), 4 pp.
  11. Ein Bericht über N.Bourbaki "Les structures fondamentales de l’analyse." Math.Phys. Sem.ber. 4 (1955), 212 - 238.
  12. Das Riemann-Hilbert’sche Problem der linearen Differentialgleichungen. Math.Ann. 133 (1957), 1 - 25.
  13. Einige Bemerkungen über komplex-analytische Vektorraumbündel. Arch.Math.8 (1957), 360 - 367.
  14. Über den Begriff der analytischen Fortsetzung in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern einer Veränderlichen (with Knobloch). Math.Ann.136 (1957), 187 - 200.
  15. On holomorphic fiber bundles over the Riemannian sphere. Kyoto Memoirs (1961), 1 - 43.
  16. Über Satelliten halbexakter Funktoren. Math.Ztsch.79 (1962), 193 - 223.
  17. Holomorphic fiber bundles over Riemann surfaces. Bull.AMS. 68 (1962), 125 - 160.
  18. Unbounded coverings of Riemann surfaces and extension of rings of meromorphic functions. Trans.AMS 107 (1963), 320 - 346.
  19. Über das Riemann-Privalovsche Randwertproblem. Math.Ann. 151 (1963), 365 - 423.
  20. W-degenerate singular integral equations and holomorphic affine bundles over compact surfaces, I. Comm.Math.Helv. 38 (1963), 84 - 120.
  21. A Note on the map H1(X,Gw ) ® H1(X,Gc ) for certain complex manifolds. Topology 2 (1963), 247 - 252
  22. Transmission problems for holomorphic fiber bundles. Proc.Conf.Complex Analysis (1964), 215 - 242.
  23. Basic ideas in modern mathematics. A broader view of research in the University. Minneapolis (1964), 125 - 144.
  24. Die Cauchy-Weil’sche Integraldarstellung für Schnitte in kohärenten analytischen Garben. Weierstraß Festband, Westdeutscher Verlag (1966), 325 - 338.
  25. Boundary value problems and the Poincare-Lefschetz mapping. J.d’Analyse XIV (1967), 323 - 372.
  26. Über den Begriff der quadratischen Form.Math.Ztsch. 98 (1067), 42 - 45.
  27. Morphismen von Funktoren (with Pumplün). Ms.Math. 1 (1969), 87 - 98.
  28. Flat and coherent functors (with Oberst). J.Alg. 14 (1970), 91 - 105.
  29. Über die Kohomologie von Frechet Garben. Comm.Univ.Carolinae 10 (1969), 625 - 640.
  30. On the foundation of category theory (with Engeler). Dialectica 23 (1969), 58 - 66.
  31. On a certain class of equivariant maps.Actes du Congres Int.des Math. (1970), 53 - 58.
  32. Some elementary properties of the category TopMB (with Wooley). Algebra Berichte 13 (1973), 1 - 45.
  33. Algebren und Riccati Gleichungen. Sitz.ber.Berliner Math.Ges. (1972/1974).
  34. Universal algebra over Hopf algebras (with Wischnewsky). Algebra Berichte 26 (1975), 1 - 35.
  35. Subalgebras that are cyclic as submodules (with Wischnewsky). Ms.Math. 19 (1976), 195 - 209.
  36. A theorem on non-associative algebras and its application to differential equations. Ms.Math. 21 (1977), 181 -187.
  37. Algebras and differential equations. Nagoya Math.J.68 (1977), 59 - 122.
  38. On the zeros of polynomials over arbitrary finite dimensional algebras. Ms.Math.25 (1978), 359 - 390.
  39. Finite dimensional algebras without nilpotents over algebraically closed fields. Arch.Math.32 (1979), 10 - 12.
  40. The algebra of polynomial functions with coefficients in a nonassociative algebra I. Sem.ber. Fernuni Hagen 6 (1980), 137 - 170.
  41. The algebra of polynomial functions with coefficients in a nonassociative algebra II.Sem.ber. Fernuni Hagen 7 (1981), 65 - 152.
  42. Banach spaces and totally convex spaces I (with Pumplün). Alg.12 (1984), 935 - 1019.
  43. Banach spaces and totally convex spaces II (with Pumplün). Alg.13 (1985), 1047 - 1113.
  44. Separated totally convex spaces (with Pumplün). Ms.Math.50 (1985), 145 - 183.
  45. The coproduct of totally convex spaces (with Pumplün). Beitr.f. Alg. und Geom.24 (1987), 249 - 278.
  46. Some classes of algebras and their derivation algebras (with Walcher). Algebras, Groups, and Geometries 4 (1987), 475 - 496.
  47. Algebras of complexity one (with Walcher). Algebras, Groups, and Geometries 5 (1988), 61 - 107.
  48. Nomial homomorphisms of arbitrary algebras (with Finston). Algebras, Groups, and Geometries 5 (1988), 151 - 186.
  49. Congruence relations on totally convex spaces (with Pumplün). Alg.18 (1990), 1469 - 1496.
  50. Convexity theories. Back to the future. Category Theory at Work, Heldermann Verlag (1991), 321 - 324.
  51. Convexity theories I. G-convex spaces. Constantin Caratheodory, An International Tribute, World Sci.Publ. (1991), 1175 - 1209.
  52. Convexity theories II. The Hahn-Banach theorem for real convexity theories (with Pumplün). Category Theory at Work, Heldermann Verlag (1991), 387 - 395.
  53. Totally convex algebras (with Pumplün). Comm.Math.Univ.Caolinae 33 (1992), 205 - 235.
  54. Algebraische Konvexität. Sem.ber. Fernuni Hagen 46 (1993), 114 - 125.
  55. Convexity theories O. Foundations. Appl.Cat.Struct.2 (1994), 13 -43.
  56. Left linear theories (with Pareigis). Appl.Cat.Struct.2 (1994), 145 - 171.
  57. Convexity theories III. Classification of certain real convexity theories. Geometriae Dedicata 45 (1993), 323 - 340.
  58. Convexity theories IV (with Pumplün). Klein-Hilbert Parts in convex modules.Appl.Cat.Struct.3 (1995), 173 - 200.
  59. Complements and the Krull-Schmidt Theorem in Arbitrary Categories (with Pareigis). Appl. Cat. Struct. 3 (1995), 11 - 27.
  60. A Radical for Arbitrary Algebras (with Walcher). Alg.23 (1995), 3889 - 3914.
  61. Convexity Theories O - cont. Foundations. (with Pareigis and Pumplün). Symposia Gaussiana, de Gruyter 1995, 301 - 321.
  62. Convexity Theories O fin. Foundations (with Kleisli). Publ.Mat.40 (1996), 469 - 496.
  63. Review of D.V.Anosov and A.A.Bolibruch, The Riemann-Hilbert Problem. Bull.AMS 33 (1996), 199 - 202.
  64. The Eilenberg-Moore Algebras of Base Normed Vector Spaces (with Pumplün). Proc. Symp. Cat. Topology (1999), 187-200.
  65. Projections and Polynomial Vecxtor Fields and the Poincare Sphere (with Walcher). Journal Diff. Equ. 139 (1997), 22 - 40.
  66. Convexity Theories V. Extensions of Absolutely and Totally Convex Modules (with Pumplün). Appl.Cat.Struct. 8 (2000), 527-543.
  67. Convexity Theories VI. LN - Convex Modules and Representations of N-distributive Lattices. Diss.Math. 19 (1999), 227-238.
  68. Algebraic Convexity – A Bed Time Story. Seminarberichte Fachbereich Mathematik, Fernuniversität Hagen 66 (1999), 27-37.
  69. Completeness and Cocompleteness of RSmod1 N Appl.Cat.Struct. 8 (2000), 257-269.
  70. Convexity Theories VII. Discrete G - convex Modules. Appl.Cat.Struct. 9 (2001), 259-283.
  71. The Category of CvD0,N-Cmod and MP. Journ. Conv. Anal. 8 (2001), 555-568.
  72. On N-Summability, I. (with Fillmore and Pumplün) Appl. Cat. Struct. 10 (2002), 291-315.


  1. Appendix and revision of A.Hurwitz and R.Courant, Lehrbuch der Funktionentheorie, 4th ed., Springer Verlag 1964, 705 pp.
  2. Editor, Proc.Conf.Complex Analysis. Springer Verlag (1966), 308 pp.
  3. Editor, Proc.Conf.Categorical Algebra. Springer Verlag (1966), 562 pp.
  4. Kommutative Algebra. Fernuniversität Hagen 1996, 609 pp.

Memorial Article

  1. Stefan E. Warschawski (with Fitzgerald and Rodin). In Memoriam, Univ.of California 1989, 199 - 201.

Unpublished Lecture Notes

  1. Lectures on complex fiber bundles. Univ.of Cincinnati 1959.
  2. Sheaves on algebraic varieties. Univ.of Chicago 1959.
  3. Theory of local rings. Univ.of Minnesota 1962.
  4. Cohomology of groups. Ohio State Univ. 1968, 52 pp.
  5. Equivariant bundles. Ohio State Univ. 1970.

Last update: September 20, 2002