Math 11, Calculus-Based Introductory Probability and Statistics, Fall 2020

Instructor (Lecture A00): Parinaz Ezzati (
Instructor (Lecture B00): Jason Schweinsberg (


Below are a few announcements that may be relevant for students who are considering taking Math 11 and do not yet have access to the Canvas page. Once the quarter begins, further announcements will be posted only in Canvas.

Important links

Lab Web Page
Academic Integrity Policy
Course Calendar

Things to do as soon as you get access to Canvas

Things to do every week

Ways to get help in Math 11

Your success in Math 11 will depend primarily on how much effort you choose to put forth on your own. Remember that for a 5-unit class, you should expect to devote a total of 15 hours per week to the course. While Math 11 involves a lot of work, students who work hard are generally successful. It is very rare in Math 11 for students who submit every homework and computer lab assignment to fail the course. You should not be discouraged by the need to work hard, as productively struggling with problems on your own helps you to develop your critical thinking and problem solving skills. Research has shown (see this article) that students who adopt a "growth mindset", believing that they can improve with hard work, are more successful than those who have a "fixed mindset", believing that success is due to intelligence which can not change over time.

While you are encouraged to struggle with problems on your own, there are also likely to be times when you will want to ask for help. In Math 11, there are a number of resources available to which you may turn for help. It is particularly important that you do not hesitate to ask questions about the material in the lecture videos, because you will not have the opportunity to ask questions live, as you would during traditional in-person instruction. There are also a few things to be cautious about when seeking help: