Some links for UC San Diego Mathematics majors

Graduate School Information
Here is a link to the rankings of Ph.D. programs in Mathematics produced by U.S. News and World Report.
Here is a link to the rankings of Ph.D. programs in Statistics produced by U.S. News and World Report.
Here is a link to a list of schools with graduate programs in Statistics, maintained by Mitch Watnik at CSU East Bay.
Here is a link to a site which indicates how many Masters degrees in Statistics each university has awarded each year since 2003.
Here is a link to a site which collects information about Masters programs in Data Science, along with some other information about careers in Data Science.
Here is a link to a site which lists over 500 programs in Data Science, mostly Masters level, throughout the world.
Here is a link to another site with information on graduate programs and careers in Data Science.

Undergraduate Programs
Here is a link to a list of REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) programs in Mathematics.
Here is a link to a list of programs for undergraduate students in Mathematics.
Here is a link to a list of programs for undergraduate students in Statistics.

Information About Careers
Here is a link to the BIG Math Network, which provides information about mathematical careers in business, industry, and government.
Here is a link to some information about careers in Mathematics from the Mathematical Association of America.
Here is a link to some information about careers in Mathematics from the American Mathematical Society.
Here is a link to some information about careers in Mathematics from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Here is a link to some information about careers in Statistics from the American Statistical Association.
Here is a link to a ranking of 200 jobs by Note that Mathematician, Statistician, Data Scientist, and Actuary are all in the top 10.
Here is a link to a page with information about careers and graduate programs in Data Science.
Here is a link to an article in the Harvard Business Review about careers in Data Science.
Here is a link to a report by Steven Shreve (Carnegie Mellon University) about careers in Quantitative Finance.