CSE 167 - Introduction to Computer Graphics - Fall 2003
Instructor: Sam Buss,  Univ. of California, San Diego

Turn in instructions for Project #4-LightedScene



  1. Once your program is finished, open a window that shows a good version of your scene, at a comfortable size to see detail.  Make that window the currently active one.

  2. Capture a screen shot and save the screen shot into a JPEG.    See the instructions from Project #3 for details on how to do this.

  3. Create a thumbnail image - a GIF file.  IT MUST BE CALLED:  thumb.gif.  See the instructions from Project #3 for details on how to do this.

  4. Customize the file index.html.   Start with the file index.html available in Fall03LightedScene.zip and also available in the LightedScene folder of the CSE 167 public pages on ieng9. (Under ClassResources on the PCs).  Fill in your name, and any comments if you wish.  Change the name of the image file to be the name of the file you created in step #2 (the JPEG file).  Filenames are case sensitive!

  5. Create a ZIP archive:  It should contain the files thumb.gif,   index.html and  the JPEG file from step 2.   FILENAMES ARE CASE SENSITIVE!  Do not include source files, or project files! See the instructions from Project #3 for details on how to do this.

  6. Go to the Project upload page:  Login with your last name and student ID number.  Select the project you wish to upload, use browse to find your  zip file, and upload.

  7. Now check that your web page uploaded correctly.  This includes clicking on your image to open your web page.  If not, backtrack and try again.

  8. You are not yet done....

  9. In your CSE 167 home directory on ieng9: place your source files, your project and workspace files, and the JPEG image from step #2.

  10. See a TA or Buss for a grading session.

NOTE: The thumb.gif file should not be too large, otherwise viewing the class upload page will become impossibly slow.  Please try to keep the file size around 10 or 15 KB.  If you have access to Adobe Photoshop, you can create better optimized (and thus smaller) GIFs.  Zip files larger than 1MB will be rejected.

The class upload page is also publicly available at http://math.ucsd.edu/~167af03/publicview.php.