Math 155 - Computer Graphics
U.C. San Diego - Winter 2001

If you are making your executable available for demo-ing to the rest of the class on Saturday, please follow these instructions.  (If you do not make your executable available, then we will demo only your JPEG's.  This will be fine in many cases, but in many cases the executable shows features that cannot be fully captured by the JPEGS.)

  1. Create an exectuable that can run with bitmaps with all files in a single directory.  Make sure your exectable has filenames for bitmaps that lie in the current directory only.  (E.g., filenames "Brick.bmp", not "..\\BitMap\\Brick.bmp").   You may check this works by placing your exectuable and bitmaps in a single directory and running the exectuable by double-clicking.   If there are other supporting files needed in addition to bitmaps, you will need to include them in the directory too.
  2. Upload all necessary files to Buss's ftp site.  You should use anonymous ftp (with WS_FTP, say), to connect to, then change directories to the directory pub/sbuss/incoming.  Once there, create a new directory (the MkDir button) named after you.   Into that directory, ftp, in binary mode, the exectuable and bitmaps.