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Math 10A
Calculus I
Fall 2022 Course Syllabus

Course:  Math 10A

Title:  Calculus I

Credit Hours:  4  

Prerequisite:  Math Placement Exam qualifying score, or AP Calculus AB score of 2, or SAT II Math Level 2 score of 600 or higher, or Math 3C, or Math 4C.

Catalog Description:  Differential calculus of functions of one variable, with applications.  Functions, graphs, continuity, limits, derivatives, tangent lines, optimization problems.

Textbook: The required textbook for the course is OpenStax: Calculus, Volume 1, by Strang, Herman, et al.  This book is freely available online, so you don't need to spend any money on it unless you wish to purchase a physical copy.  Please be aware that you will, however, need to purchase access to an online homework system, which costs twenty-five dollars for one quarter.

Material Covered:  We shall cover parts of chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the text.  A list of the topics scheduled to be covered can be found on the course calendar.

Reading:  Reading and doing the examples in the sections of the textbook corresponding to our lecture will help you learn and understand the course material better.  If you work through the relevant examples in the book before you start your homework problems, you will probably solve the homework problems more easily and perform better on your exams than if you do not do the reading.  Your reading assignments are on the course calendar; for example, 1.1 is written on Sep 23, so your assignment is to read section 1.1 before our class meeting that day.

Homework:  There are two types of homework assignments in this course, online homework (which will be graded and is posted on Canvas) and good old-fashioned written textbook homework (which will not be graded and is posted here).

Discussion Section:  Discussion section meets every Tuesday and is led by a teaching assistant (TA).  Discussion section activities are designed to help you succeed in and keep up with the course. Attendance at discussion is not mandatory, but attendance at discussion section is rewarded with participation points, as detailed in the Grades section below.  Please note that discussion sections are held in small rooms with limited capacities, so if you would like to attend discussion section, you may only attend the discussion section in which you are officially enrolled on Webreg; please do not attempt to attend a discussion section in which you are not enrolled, as you will not receive any attendance credit for doing so.  For more details about discussion section, please refer to these FAQs.  

Note:  Please do not attempt to falsify section attendance in order to get credit.  Attendance will be taken via Gradescope, and any attempts to complete the attendance assignment by students who are not physically present will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office (no exceptions).

Academic Support:   You are encouraged to make use of the following academic support services that are freely available through the Academic Achievement Hub.

Electronic Computing Devices:  Graphing calculators and online computing websites (e.g. Desmos and WolframAlpha) can be very helpful when working through your homework.   However, a calculator/computer should be used as an aid in the learning concepts, not just as a means of computation.   You should use these devices/software when working on math problems at home, but always keep in mind that you will not be allowed access to any electronic computing devices during exams.   Of course, this also means that you will not be asked to solve problems on exams that require the aid of an electronic computing device.

Exams:  There is an in-person midterm exam from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Wednesday, November 2nd and an in-person final exam from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm on Saturday, December 3rd (as listed in the Schedule of Classes).  Please note:

Grades:  There are two grading schemes for this course.  The grading scheme used to calculate your grade is determined by whether or not you choose to attend at least five of your discussion sections.  Please note that discussion sections are held in small rooms with limited capacities, so if you would like to attend discussion section, you may only attend the discussion section in which you are officially enrolled on Webreg; please do not attempt to attend a discussion section in which you are not enrolled, as you will not receive any attendance credit for doing so.

Letter grades will be assigned based on the standard grading scale:

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C-
[93,100] [90,93) [87,90) [83,87) [80,83) [77,80) [73,77) [70,73)

Important Notes:
(1) We may adjust the above scale to be more lenient (depending on the overall class performance), but we guarantee that we will not adjust the scale to make it harder to get a better grade.
(2) Outside factors, including the need for a certain grade for admission/retention in any academic program, scholarship or transfer credit, graduation requirements or personal desire for a specific grade do not appear in the above calculations, and thus are not considered in any way in the determination of your course grade.  Effort, improvement, lecture attendance and participation will all dramatically improve your grade in the course in that they will allow you to do well on quizzes, exams, and the final exam.  They will not, however, actively participate in the calculation of your course grade.

Regrade Policy:  Your exams will be graded using Gradescope.  In case you notice a grading error on your exam, you will be able to request a regrade via Gradescope for a specified window of time.  This time window will be announced when the exam scores are released to the students.  Be sure to make your request within the specified window of time; no regrade requests will be considered after the window closes.

Changes to the Syllabus:  Please be aware that circumstances beyond our control may force changes to this syllabus, online platforms, or other elements of this class.  We live in uncertain times, and it may become impossible to collect or grade certain items.  If such changes happen, then every effort will be made to make equitable adjustments to the syllabus or the grading criteria described above.

Academic Integrity:  Academic integrity is highly valued at UCSD and academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense.  Students involved in an academic integrity violation will face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or, in very serious cases, expulsion from the university.  Your integrity has great value: Cultivate and protect your academic integrity.  For more about academic integrity and its value, visit the UCSD Academic Integrity Website.

Filing for a Incomplete:  Sometimes it is not possible to complete all of the work in the course due to circumstances beyond your control (Being unable to take the final exam because of accident or sickness, for example.)  In such a case, it may be possible to file for an Incomplete grade.  If an Incomplete is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete the work during the next quarter.  (All work must be completed before the end of Week 10 the following academic quarter.)  In order to be eligible for an Incomplete, you must meet the following criteria:

Follow this link to find more information about filing for an Incomplete on TritonLink. To apply for an Incomplete, you must fill out and submit the official form.

Study Suggestions:  Below are some suggestions that we hope will help you to succeed in this course:

Name and Gender Pronouns:  UC San Diego is committed to supporting its students' name and gender preferences.  Class rosters provided to your instructor and TAs have students' legal names, but we will strive to honor your request to be addressed using a preferred name or gender pronoun.  Please let your instructor and TA know your preferences so that we can make changes to our records.  (Certain university records may be beyond our ability to change, however.)

Equity, Inclusion, and Respect:  We are committed to the UC San Diego Principles of Community.  "To foster the best possible working and learning environment, UC San Diego strives to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation, and professionalism.  These principles of community are vital to the success of the University and the well being of its constituents."  The principles of community include (but are not limited to):

Visit the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for more information.

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