Enumerative Geometry Seminar, Winter 2020

Woonam Lim

We had a paper reading seminar on Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces and Beauville-Voisin conjecture for HyperKahler varieties.

Organizational: Tuesday 3:00 - 4:30 at APM 5829

List of lectures:

  1. Jan. 14. Woonam Lim. Recursive structure on Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces.
  2. Jan. 21. Bochao Kong. On the product identities and the Chow rings of holomorphic symplectic varieties.
  3. Jan. 28. Patrick Girardet. Heisenberg action on cohomology of Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces.
  4. Feb. 4. Shubham Sinha. TQFT defined by Quot schemes on curves.
  5. Feb. 10. Patrick Girardet. Tautological classes and Lehn's formula in cohomology.
  6. Feb. 20. Sayanta Mandal. Betti numbers of the moduli space of sheaves on projective plane.
  7. Feb. 25. Michail Savvas. Lehn's formula in Chow group and its application to Beauville-Voisin conjecture.
  8. Mar. 3. Woonam Lim. Introduction to motives.

List of references in order:

  1. [Ellignsrud, Gottsche, Lehn] On the Cobordism Class of the Hilbert Scheme of a Surface.
  2. [Barros, Flapan, Marian, Silversmith] On product identities and the Chow rings of holomorphic symplectic varieties.
  3. [Nakajima] Heisenberg Algebra and Hilbert Schemes of Points on Projective Surfaces.
  4. [Marian, Oprea] GL Verlinde numbers and Grassmann TQFT.
  5. [Lehn] Chern Classes of Tautological Sheaves on Hilbert Schemes.
  6. [Mandal] On the stabilization of the Betti numbers of the moduli space of sheaves on P2.
  7. [Maulik, Negut] Lehn's formula in Chow and Conjectures of Beauville and Voisin.
  8. [Murre, Nagel, Peters] Lectures on theory of pure motives.