Math 204C: Number theory III (Spring 2022)

The policies below will continue to be updated until the quarter starts; they might also be updated during the quarter as UCSD and local authorities continue to update their regulations.

Course description

Instructor: Alina Bucur (abucur at ucsd dot edu), APM 7151

Lectures: MW 1-2:15(±5min) pm, APM B412

Office hours: M 2:30-3:30pm (tentative)

or PM me in Zulip for an appointment

Books: I will mainly use the notes from the course that Harold Stark taught at MIT (taken by Jeffrey Hoffstein, texed by me).
Additionally, we will make use of two standard references.

H. Davenport, Multiplicative number theory
Available electronic form through the UCSD library (you need to be on campus or vpn).

M. Ram Murty, Problems in analytic number theory
Available electronic form through the UCSD library (you need to be on campus or vpn).

MATH 200ABC, 204AB or consent of the instructor

Grading: The grade will be based entirely on a 10-15 page paper to be submitted at the end of the course. I will suggest paper topics throughout the quarter. If you have a favorite topic that you would like to write your paper on, come talk to me about it so I can judge if it is appropriate for this course.

Most communication about the course will take place in Zulip; Zulip includes both a general discussion forum, available to all students, and one-on-one direct messages. Once you have joined, please use PMs instead of email for questions about the course; I may not answer emails. All course communication is subject to UCSD's academic integrity and harassment policies.
