Dear Math Enthusiast, This Friday (12/3/2021) and Saturday (12/4/2021) we will be having a series of graduate student talks, known as the SWANTAG (Student Workshop in Algebra, Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry). These will take place on 2-4 PM Friday and 3-5 PM Saturday in AP&M 7218. We will have about 24 donuts and effectively infinite coffee per day. Here is the program: Friday, December 3rd: Time: 2-2:25 PM Speaker: Jacob Keller Title: The Chow Quotient of the Grassmannian and representation theory, and connects the Grassmannian to other fundamental objects in algebraic geometry such as the moduli space M_0,n of rational curves with n marked points. Time: 2:30-2:55 PM Speaker: JJ Garzella Title: What are the pieces of an algebraic theory? centers around abelian categories, and then show how it comes into the proof of Local Class Field Theory and the Existence of Flips. Time: 3-3:25 PM Speaker: Finn McGlade Title: Exceptional Algebra and G_7 Modular Forms Abstract: Attached to the email! Time: 3:30-3:55 PM Speaker: Srivatsa Srinivas Title: A proof of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem Abstract: I will prove the Cayley Hamilton theorem for matrices over a general commutative ring. You won't think of the eigenvalue proof ever again. Saturday, December 4th: Time: 3-3:25 PM Speaker: Shubhankar Sahai Title: A quick introduction to derived categories ategories are bad and why one should instead be working with an underlying stable infinity category instead. Time: 3:30-3:55 PM Speaker: Greg Patchell Title: Property (T) and 1-Cohomology Abstract: What is Property (T) of groups? And what does it have to do with group 1-cohomology? I'll try to answer these questions and prove a cute result involving bounded generation. Time: 4-4:25 PM Speaker: Alex Mathers Title: A Riemann Extension Theorem for Noetherian adic spaces Abstract: In this talk we give an introduction to the theory of adic spaces, and show how perfectoid techniques can be used to give a quick proof of a Riemann Extension Theorem for a particular class of Noetherian adic spaces. Time: 4:30-4:55 PM Speaker: Bochao Kong Title: The ABBV Localization Formula Abstract: We'll review the equivariant cohomology and sketch the proof for the Atiyah–Bott–Berline–Vergne localization formula. We'll list some fascinating identities obtained from localization for the interested audience to verify. Best, Vatsa