UC San Diego


U.C. SAN DIEGO, November 2 - 3, 2019


Ioan Bejenaru, Alvaro Pelayo, Jacob Sterbenz

Invited Speakers

Semyon Dyatlov (Berkeley/MIT)
Mihaela Ifrim (UW Madison)
Johnathan Luk (Stanford)
Dana Mendelson (Chicago)
Kenji Nakanishi (Kyoto)
Sung-Jin Oh (Berkeley)
Benoit Pausader (Brown)
Jared Speck (Vanderbilt)
Daniel Tataru (Berkeley)


All talks will be held in Ledden Auditorium (2250) next to the Applied Mathematics and Physics building on the UCSD campus. The location is outlined on this map.

Registration and Funding:

There is no registration fee. However if you are participating in the conference please fill in the form below. This will help the organizers to make catering arrangements. Funding will also be available to junior partcipants. To apply for funding, please contact Ioan Bejenaru at ibejenar@math.ucsd.edu. Participants may book at the Best Western Del Mar at a special rate. Please use THIS LINK when you make your reservation.



University Affiliation:


Student/postdoc request for funding?
Yes No


Sat. Nov 2 Sun. Nov 3

Breakfast 8:15-8:45 Breakfast

Semyon Dyatlov--Control of eigenfunctions on negatively curved surfaces 8:45-9:35 Daniel Tataru--Low regularity water waves

Jared Speck--A Remarkable Formulation of 3D Compressible Euler Flow and Applications 9:45-10:35 Kenji Nakanishi--Failure of scattering with localized waves for the nonlinear Schrodinger equations with long-range interaction

Coffee Break 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:50 Mihaela Ifrim--TBA
Johnathan Luk--High frequency limit in general relativity

Lunch Break
1:45-2:35 Sung-Jin Oh--On the Cauchy problem for the Hall-magnetohydrodynamics equations
Coffee Break
3:00-3:50 Dana Mendelson--The focusing energy-critical nonlinear wave equation with random initial data
Benoit Pausader--Asymptotic stability of the Minkowski space for the Einstein-Klein-Gordon equation

Abstracts of Talks (TBA)

Local Info

Directions to the UCSD campus and the AP&M building (Math. Department).

Transportation and Parking: If you need to park your car, please drive to the UCSD Faculty Club (or Ida and Cecil Green Faculty club) and park in the spots labeled for the Faculty Club; do not park in the A or B spaces since you may be ticketed. Then head straight to the lecture room where we will have hand in parking permits. If the Faculty Club parking is full (unlikely, but just in case), use Pangea Parking Structure, that being the next closest to the Department, park in a V (visitor parking) and pay the weekend rate. Refer to this map for further details.

The organizers have also arranged shuttle a service from both the La Jolla Shores Hotel and Best Western Hotel Del Mar. Feel free to contact Ioan at ibejenaru@ucsd.edu with any questions you might have about either the parking or shuttle services.

Important note for J1 visa holders: Professors and research scholars may participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations, if authorized to do so by their sponsor. Such lectures and consultations must be incidental to the exchange visitor's primary program activities. If wages or other remuneration are received by the exchange visitor for such activities, the exchange visitor must act as an independent contractor, as defined in 8 CFR 274a.1(j), and the relevant criteria and procedures must be satisfied. For example J-1 scholars coming from Yale to present a lecture at UCSD or attend a conference should receive a letter from Yale's International Center indicating that they are eligible to receive a reimbursement from UCSD. Such a request must be done BEFORE the event.