Boot camp 2021 for analysis, UCSD Math

9am-12pm from September 13 to 17, AP&M 6402

The intention of the boot camp is to help new graduate students to review undergraduate real analysis and get prepared for the Math 240 series, real analysis, in UCSD.

We won't cover topics in full details since Math 240 will go over those very carefully.


Qingyuan Chen,

Zilu Ma,


  • baby Rudin -- Principles of mathematical analysis
  • papa Rudin -- Real and complex analysis
  • 240 textbook -- Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Applications

    Tentative schedules

    The following are loose plans and we will adjust them accordingly later.

    Practice problems will be given later and exercises in Rudin's books are pretty good.

    Monday: real numbers, axiom of choice, Zorn's lemma. basic topology, metric spaces.

    Tuesday: Cauchy, continuity. series, differentiation, Taylor

    Wednesday: Riemann-Stieltjes Integral. uniform convergence, Arzela-Ascoli, Stone-Weierstrass

    Thursday: normed space, Baire category Lp space, Fourier series

    Friday: sigma-algebra, measures. Lebesgue integration, monotone convergence theorem, dominated convergence theorem, etc.