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Math 3C Syllabus

Course:  Math 3C, Precalculus

Textbook: Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions, by David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen; available online for free here.

Subject Material:  We will cover parts of chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 of the text.

Instructor: Zach Higgins


Lecture:   All lectures will be prerecorded and posted under the "Media Gallery" tab on Canvas and on Google Drive . To help maintain a schedule, you are encouraged to watch the lecture at the normal lecture time (MWF 2 PM).

4th Hour: The 4th hour lectures will be taught by Somak live at 8 PM on Wednesday nights, but they will also be recorded and posted on Canvas (NOT on Google Drive). Typically, these lectures will review previously covered lecture material. You are encouraged to attend the live lecture if you are able to.

Discussion Sections:

Discussion sections will be live and can be accessed through the "Zoom" tab on Canvas.

Homework:  Weekly homework will be posted on the homework page and will be due each Wednesday at 11:59 PM. We will also post suggested problems that do not have to be turned in. Homework assignments will be submitted on Gradescope. There are several possible ways to complete the homework assignments in a way that can be uploaded to Gradescope:

  1. If you have a tablet or other touchscreen device, you can download the homework pdf, write your answers on it, and upload that to Gradescope.
  2. If you have a printer, you can print the homework template, write your answers on it, scan your solutions and upload to Gradescope.
  3. If you do not have a printer or a tablet, you can complete your homework on blank paper, scan it, and upload to Gradescope. When submitting your solutions, Gradescope will ask you to indicate where each of your solutions is. Gradescope has instructions for scanning assignments with your phone and submitting them to Gradescope. Please make sure the file you submit is readable. If it not, you will receive a zero.
  4. If you are unable to use any of the above methods, please send Zach an email (zhiggins [at] ucsd [dot] edu).
If you are able to use one of the first two options above, please use one of those options. Some additional policies:

Quizzes:    Starting week 2, there will be a quiz each Friday of the quarter. Each quiz will be 20 minutes long. You will be allowed to take each quiz any time between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM on the specificed date. You will be allowed to use the textbook, resources on the course website, and your own notes on the quizzes. You will NOT be allowed to use any other resources. Your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped.

Midterm Exam:  There will be a midterm exam on Friday, May 8.  The details are posted on Canvas.  

Final Examination:  The final examination will be held on Thursday, June 11 and Friday, June 12. The details are posted on Canvas.

Regrade Policy:   For each assignment (homework, quiz, midterm, final), you will be able to request a regrade on Gradescope for 7 days after the date the grades are posted. No regrade requests will be accepted after the deadline. Regrade requests are only for cases in which you think your answer was correct but marked incorrect, not for arguing how much partial credit your answers deserve.

Grading: Your course grade will be determined by your cumulative average at the end of the term and will be based on the following scale:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C-
97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70
The scale may be adjusted, but only to be more lenient. (Edited June 4, 2020) Your cumulative average will computed using the better of the two following weighted averages: In addition,  you must pass the final examination in order to pass the course. 

Recording of Course Meetings: Please be advised that live office hours will be recorded and will be posted to Canvas. If you do not want to be recorded, please view these materials after they have been posted.

Academic Integrity:  UC San Diego's code of academic integrity outlines the expected academic honesty of all students and faculty, and details the consequences for academic dishonesty. In particular, students caught cheating will face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university.

Accomadations: Students requesting accommodations for this course due to a disability must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Students are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the OSD Liaison in the department in advance (by the end of Week 2, if possible). More information is provided here.