Scotty Tilton

Office: HSS 5062
Home Research

Research Interests

I'm interested in finding ways in which $\mathsf{Pin}(2)$-equivariant homotopy theory can answer questions about exotic phenomena in 4-manifolds using families Bauer-Furuta invariants as described in Kronheimer-Mrowka, Baraglia-Konno, and Lin. This is interesting to me because this is in the intersection of (equivariant) stable homotopy theory and low-dimensional topology.${\quad}^\ast$

I also have a whole lot of fun thinking about shapes, and I like arguments in combinatorics because when things come together there I whoop for joy. So if you like thinking about shapes and counting things, then you can count (the shape of) me in to whatever you're trying to think about! (For example see the pretty shapes in the Grassmannians paper (and counting things!) and the pretty shapes in the Transfer systems paper (and counting things!)).

Research Paper(s)

Seminars I'm Attending

Talks I've Given

Date - Location Title Extra
Apr 2024 - UCSD Topology HLSX Seminar Sections 1.1-1.3 No Extra
Feb 2024 - UCSD Topology arXiv Seminar The homology of moduli spaces of 4-manifolds can be infinitely generated
Nov 2023 - UCSD Topology Seminar MMF
Nov 2023 - UCLA Algebraic Topology Seminar Dehn it! Distinguishing diffeomorphisms with Equivariant Bauer-Furuta Invariants
Oct 2023 - UCSD Topology Seminar (arXiv series) A Note on Surfaces in $\mathbb{CP}^2$ and $\mathbb{CP}^2\#\mathbb{CP}^2$ No Extra
June/July 2023 - eCHT REU Operads 101
May 2023 UCSD Topology Seminar Factorization Homology 101
4/23 Taubes Secret Seminar A Note on A Note on Surfaces in $\mathbb{CP}^2$ and $\mathbb{CP}^2\#\mathbb{CP}^2$
1/23 UCSD Topology Seminar Pin(2)-Bauer-Furta Invariants
10/22 - UCSD Topology Seminar Equivariant Transfer maps, the Wirthmuller isomorphism, and dualities. No Extras
4/22 - UCSD ZFT Seminar Four Four Manifolds For Food For Thought
1/22 - UCSD Topology Seminar Morava's Orbit Picture and Stabilizer Groups
1/22 - UCSD Topology Seminar MU-Theory and Formal Group Laws
11/2021 - UCSD Topology Seminar Introduction to Spectra I
4/21 - Augustana University Stratified Spaces and Grassmannians
2/21 - UCSD ZFT Seminar Stay at (co)home: Links, Blowups, and Grass, man.
The Extra dropdown menus are broken on Desktop. I'm working on fixing these, but until then, if you make your browser window have the width of a phone, you should be able to see everything okay.

Conferences/Workshops I've Attended

Date Title Participation
August 2023 Symplectic Paradise Attendee
July 2023 Gauge Theory and Topology, Kronheimer's 60th Birthday Attendee
March 2023 Homotopy 2023, Goerssfest Attendee
November 2022 Floer Homotopical Methods in Low Dimensional and Symplectic Topology Attendee
September 2022 Introductory Workshop: Floer Homotopy Theory Attendee
February 2020 Higher Categories and Categorification Attendee
February 2020 Connections for Women: Higher Categories and Categorification Attendee
May 2019 Moab Topology Conference Attendee
April 2019 National Conference for Undergraduate Research Poster Presenter
January 2019 Joint Math Meetings Poster Presenter
May 2018 Arches Topology Conference Attendee

${\quad}^\ast$ Scotty, I'll be honest with you, that doesn't sound interesting to me in terms of the real world.
-- A good friend
Well, here's how I think of it. Mathematicians are trying to stay a few steps ahead of the physicists. If a physicist has a problem, they might come up to a mathematician and ask if the mathematician knows anything about the problem. It'd be nice if the mathematicians had solved it ages ago, so the physicist can get back to work with their real-world problem. Physicists, oftentimes, deal with manifolds.

Mathematicians spend a lot of time classifying things. Algebraists classified all finite groups. Topologists classified 0-manifolds, 1-manifolds, 2-manifolds, $\geq$5-manifolds, 4-manifolds, and 3-manifolds in the topological category. In the smooth category, most of those are also taken care of, but the 4th dimension is giving mathematicians some trouble. There are a lot of exotic smooth structures, and no one has made sense of when and where to expect them, in general (there has been some progress, but no one claims to know it all). This $\mathsf{Pin}(2)$-equivariant method has proven itself by detecting some exotic smooth structures. I want to keep searching with this to see if I can help other mathematicians in finding some patterns to the smooth structures so we can see if there is a way to classify them.
Scotty Tilton
4th year Ph.D. - UC San Diego
